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Maintenance & Repairs

My Clean Air Doctors provides residents across the NYC metro area with trusted and reliable maintenance and repair services. We specialize primarily in AC units, but our team of technicians are also experts with heating and furnace repairs. If you are in need of our services, please contact us today. We will glaldy answer any questions or concerns you may have about your heating or cooling units.

NYC Air Conditioning Services

We proudly provide our services to residents across all five NYC boroughs. If you are having any issues with your AC Unit, you can count on us to be there for you. We have years of experience in the industry and our results are second to none. We will get your unit up and running in no time.

A variety of reasons can lead to your air conditioner to not work properly. The thermostat or sensor may not be working correctly. There could have been a failure with the motor or compressor. Issues can even arise if the filter is dirty. But whatever it is, we will get to the bottom of it and restore your AC unit to working order.

Keeping your home or apartment's temperature at a comfortable level is important and you rely on your air conditioner to do the job. It can honestly be a little dangerous even to let the temperatures rise in your living space. Don't let another day go by with a broken or damaged AC unit. 

Expert Repair Team

At My Clean Air Doctors, we staff an expert team of technicians who are properly trained on repairing and maintaining ac units, heating units, furnaces and boilers. Our team has the wherewithal and knowledge in the industry to dissect any issue and repair it. It is important to properly maintain any heating or cooling unit you have in your home. By regularly maintaining it, you will be able to extend the lifespan of the unit and save you money down the line.

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